Ownership in the Age of Coronavirus

Alexander V. Johnson
4 min readMar 18, 2020

During the corona lockdown (which we are still working in office mind you as we have a logistics business), I was scrolling Twitter, and I saw a young woman telling her 280 character story. It went something like this:

So I lost my job during the coronavirus scare, so I reached out to my landlord to see if I could hold off on paying my rent. She had the AUDACITY to tell me to go get another job!”

From there, the comments were mixed as to whether the landlord was an asshole, or if the woman should be doing more to alleviate her financial troubles.

A similar discussion is happening over and over in the wake of the serious economic downturn the world is experiencing. This conversation has even run all the way to the lawmakers in Washington as to what, or if they should, do to help those affected.

In many ways, I see this as a microcosm of people allow to happen in their lives. In 2020, people have become more dependent on outside influences than at any time in history. Most folks can’t change a tire, find their way around without their phone, or even cook their own dinners. People have lost a sense of ownership over their lives.

This comes into clear focus during economic downturns such as the one here. I feel fortunate that I still have a company I own that is doing well during this time (an online sales company distributing foods). That said, I took ownership of my fate and built this company almost 6 years ago. I wasn’t going to allow my fate to go into the hands of a boss or even. consumers. I was going to force my way into the marketplace. I also have a constriction company that will take a hit during this time, but we are doing everything in our power to assure we will have a great year. We are taking ownership over what happens to your company. We don’t have any choice, and we certainly won’t be waiting for a handout from the government.

People who work a regular job can’t possibly own their role. If you are low on the totem, you can’t own your position. If you are at a disadvantage in a relationship, you can’t own your feelings and emotions. You can’t own anything when others get to call the shots for you. Ownership is about being the last decision maker in any situation. It’s not a maniacal control thing, its about freedom. I never need to ask a landlord what my options are. I look inside myself and decide what I can do.

Maybe I’m harsh, but here was my opinion on the young woman.

This young woman had not done nearly enough in her life to ensure that she was not a victim of a situation like this. Sure, no one could quite predict this type of downturn, but she could have put herself in a far better position. This woman had the opportunity, just like everyone else had, to go get a job that was not expendable. She could have learned a skill that was irreplaceable. She had the right to excel in her field so much that she wasn’t able to be laid off. She had the right to advance her career and save up money. And she had the right to buy a house so that no one needed to dictate what happened to her living situation. I’m sure she didn’t need to hear my opinion, so I left it unsaid. Maybe I am an asshole, but I’m an asshole that has three businesses I will not allow to fail, even in harsh economic times. I don't care if the market is up or down, I am going to find a way. I won’t allow myself to be a victim in life.

When you start to believe that nothing happens to you and instead it happens because of you, good or bad, you can start to shape the way your life works. This woman being laid off felt like what was happening was happening to her. Sure, it may have felt like it, but it happened because she didn’t take the steps before to assure that wouldn’t be her. Isn’t that a positive thing that we have control over our outcomes? If we didn’t, what would be the point at trying hard in anything? Whatever happens would just happen to us.

I instead fully believe that I can take ownership of what happens in my life. Of course, I can’t control everything, that isn’t what this is about. This is about being able to control the game. When things hit the fan, I want to make sure I’m the guy at the table who holds all the cards. I don’t want to be reserved to play the hand that I was dealt. The first thing you can do is step up and lose the dependence you have on others. Lose the dependence you have on your family, company, relationships, coaches. You have to be your own source of direction. You have to be the owner of your own life. That's why they call it your own life! If harsh times hit us again, will you own what happens? You can.



Alexander V. Johnson

Entrepreneur, among other things... I write about business, startups, entrepreneurship, and finance.